A lovely kit from the fine folks at PST, who hail from somewhere
far away and formerly communist - I think. Don't quote me on that. |
The Kv-ll was somewhat unsuccessful, but it was a nice idea.
Let's put a monstrous turret with a freakin' HUGE gun poking out of it on
a Kv hull and hope like hell it doesn't fall over on a steep incline. Actually
they did inflict some nasty damage on German armour but the Kv-ll was plagued
by mechanical problems, not least of which was a weak transmission. |
As a point of interest the script on the turret is Russian
for "Aim Here". Well okay, I can't back that up, but it makes a change from
"We Brake for Stalin" or "My other tank is a T-34". **
I built this pretty much straight from the box except for
the tow cables which are cut from lead out wires for control line planes,
replaced the handles on the turret with .010" plastic rod and drilled out
the ends of the guns and exhausts. |
The kit is nicely detailed and goes together with no problems
with the exception of the road wheels which are moulded slightly out of
round. I shoved a piece of brass tube in each pair and then chucked them
in my Dremel moto-tool and sanded them into submission, komrades. |
**A viewer
in Russia recently informed me that the real translation is "strong",
so now you know. |
to 1/72 Armour Main |