Tamiya 1:72 P-47 Razorback Construction |
Most of the cockpit detail is as moulded by Tamiya and really
would look just fine right out of the box. The Eduard set and Yahu instrument
panel take it up a notch though. As I mentioned, I'm not a big fan of Eduard's
pre-painted etch and usually remove most of it with lacquer thinner right
off the bat. Eduard's paint is thick and grainy, some of the colours are
downright bizarre and the printed instruments are nowhere near as crisp
as the printed acetate they used to give us, thus the Yahu replacement instrument
panel. Also, although Eduard's painted seatbelts look great on the fret,
the paint will easily flake off unless they are applied in a very stiff
and unrealistic "freshly ironed" pose. |
The etched seat looks great, but it is considerably larger
than the kit seat so I had to move the rear bulkhead back to accomodate
it by inserting bits of plastic in the bulkhead mounting slots (circled
in red above). This meant of course that the mounts for the cockpit moulded
in the fuselage halves also had to be modified accordingly. |
Wiring was added to the engine from fine wire painted a copper
colour to simulate the braided covering. Just barely visible on the oil
sump is a miniscule Pratt & Whitney logo from Fündekals. |
I added the sway braces to the bomb shackles by punching tiny
discs out of .005" plastic sheet with a Waldron Sub-Miniature punch
& die set. Short lengths of fine wire were superglued on and then each
one was inserted into fine holes drilled in the bomb shackles. I made a
couple of extra ones just in case, this turned out to be a wise decision
as I promptly lost the first two I tried to use. A similar method was used
for the sway braces on the fuselage shackles, though with slightly thicker
wire. |
Gun blast tubes are stainless steel tubing, pitot is from
Master. Brake lines are 0.2mm lead wire. The tires should be block pattern
(see below), but somewhat surprisingly, no one makes any aftermarket 1/72
P-47D wheels so I had to make do with the kit wheels. |
Below: The only
two photos I managed to find of this aircraft: |
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