Meikraft Pfalz D.IIIa |
One of my all time favourites. I built this years ago and
I still can't believe I managed to pull this paint job off. Sometimes I'm
tempted to try it again with the Eduard 1/48th Pfalz just to see if this
one was a fluke, however that kind of thinking usually has me waking up
in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. Such folly! |
I have a couple more of these Meikraft Dllla's and they're
really quite nice, and why shouldn't they be, they're a direct copy of the
Czech Masters resin kit as far as I know. |
I added detail to the cockpit and replaced the radiator hoses
and landing gear legs with brass rod. The propellor was carved from two
pieces of 1/16th inch plywood laminated together. Rigging is stretched sprue,
the engine and guns are from Aeroclub. |
The lozenge camouflage is Almarks which, in retrospect, looks
like it was based on the "night" colours to me. It's funny how all the decal
manufacturers say their lozenge fabric is authentic and based on actual
specimens, and yet they're all completely different! I'm not sure if there
really was that much variation in the actual fabric colours or if the decal
companies are just on flights of fancy, so to speak. I think the Pegasus/Blue
Max sheets are the best at present and I'll use them on my next project. |
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